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Kehoharmonia - Kalevala bone-setter Pekka Parviainen

Bone-setting and Zone therapy at Terveyskeidas in Kaleva. You can get help from Kehoharmonia treatments for e.g. back pain and various joint problems and stress.

My name is Pekka Parviainen. I’m a Kalevala bone-setter and Classic Zone therapist. My aim is to help you attain a comfortable and optimal state of health with tried and trusted holistic treatments. The treatments can support your well-being whilst ensuring that your body’s own healing processes are as effective and painless as possible.


My treatment room is located in the centre of Tampere, within the premises of the Welfare & Training Centre Terveyskeidas, at Kalevan puistotie 23.

Kalevalainen jäsenkorjaaja Pekka Parviainen

Kalevala bone-setting

Kalevala bone-setting is effective and comprehensive body care. It can be used to prevent and treat various ailments that affect the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, for example, back pain and misalignments, as well as problems with the shoulders, knees and ankles.

Kalevala bone-setting is an effective method for treating and preventing musculoskeletal disorders based on the Finnish traditional treatment method and general rules relating to anatomy and physiology.

The idea behind the treatment is that the person is a structural and functional whole and should also be treated holistically.

At the beginning of the treatment, the bone-setter tries to unravel the cause of discomfort or pain and analyze the causes of body imbalance. The support structures are then put in place by soft handling, taking advantage of their natural mobility and the human body. Kalevala bone-setting is performed without pinching or sudden movements.

Mobilization causes an improvement in the mobility of joints, muscles and connective tissues. The tissue fluid and blood circulation are improved, and the nerves are freed from possible pinching conditions.


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Kalevala bone-setting has yilded good results, for example:

* In conditions which cause lower limb pain: correcting incorrect positions of the feet, ankles, knees     and hips.

* Improving conditions associated with lower back pain, such as sciatica and SI-joint misalignments.

* Scoliosis.

* In conditions which cause upper back pain: in the treatment of misalinged vertebrae and the           problems caused by them.

* For shoulder and neck pain: in the treatment of headache, dizziness and migraine.

* In conditions which cause upper limb pain: in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis           elbow and shoulder pain.

* Problems in head area: issues with bruxism (clenching teeth), tension headaches and vision             problems.

What is a sufficient amount of treatments?

Usually, pain or other ailments are relieved after a single treatment. If the body has been in an unbalanced state for a long time, then the number of treatments needed usually ranges from 2 to 5, depending on the nature of the client’s conditions. A suitable time between treatments is 1.5 to 2 weeks. Once the situation has improved sufficiently, the treatment interval can be extended. When the person comes for treatment for the first time, they will also receive an assessment of the need for possible additional treatments. Home care instructions can often include helping the person maintain the achieved treatment results and speed up their rehabilitation and normalization of their condition. 

More information about    Kalevala bone-setting:

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