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Terveyttä luonnosta 2

Price list from 1.3.2023

Kalevala bone-setting

Adult:                      € 95.00

For students:             € 75.00

For the unemployed:  € 75.00

The duration of the treatment time is 1.5 to 2 hours.

For children under 18: € 75.00

The duration of the treatment time is 1 to 1.5 hours.

Zone therapy

Adult:                        € 60.00

For students:               € 50.00

For the unemployed:    € 50.00

For children under 18: € 50.00

The duration of the treatment time is about 1 hour.

Prices include VAT 24%

Kehoharmonia                           Terveyskeidas   Kalevan puistotie 23, 33500 Tampere                                  p. 0443500882

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